Icelandic Love Balls – Ástarpungar

Icelandic Love Balls - Ástarpungar
Icelandic Love Balls – Ástarpungar

Icelandic Love Balls – Ástarpungar

Icelandic Love Balls – Ástarpungar  are popular in Iceland, and many Icelanders have fond memories of enjoying them with coffee or as a snack on special occasions. They often contain raisins or other flavorings and are made from dough that is flavored with cardamom or other spices.

Icelandic Love Balls – Ástarpungar


  • 500 g flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 teaspoons ammonia powder
  • 150 g sugar
  • 2 teaspoons ground cardamom
  • 100 g butter (melted)
  • 4 eggs
  • 200 ml milk
  • 100 g raisins (optional)
  • Oil for deep frying


  1. Mix dry ingredients: Combine the flour, baking powder, ammonia powder, sugar, and cardamom in a large bowl.
  2. Add eggs and butter: Add the melted butter and eggs, and mix until the dough is smooth.
  3. Milk and raisins: Slowly pour the milk into the dough, mixing well, and add raisins if desired.
  4. Heat the oil: Heat oil in a large pot or deep fryer to about 175°C (350°F).
  5. Shape balls: Form small balls from the dough using a spoon.
  6. Deep fry: Fry the balls in the oil until they are golden brown, about 3-4 minutes.
  7. Serve: Place the ástarpungar on kitchen paper to remove excess oil. Then just brew some coffee and offer freshly fried ástarpungar with a good cup of coffee.

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