Undesirable aspects of table manners

Undesirable aspects of table manners etiquette
Undesirable aspects of table manners

Undesirable aspects of table manners

Courtesy is a virtue because it promotes well-being and opposes aggression and causing discomfort to others. However, certain customs and traditions are matters of decision that each generation unconsciously agrees upon.

There are various things that should preferably be avoided and that most people are aware of, but sometimes forget. Let’s avoid:

  • Talking with a full mouth.
  • Slurping and smacking.
  • Using a toothpick (go to the restroom to pick your teeth).
  • Rubbing lipstick on a napkin.
  • Decorating the table with phones, keys, wallets, or other items.
  • Rocking on the chair.
  • Licking the knife.
  • Putting elbows on the table.
  • Reaching over the plates of fellow diners.
  • Chewing gum – neither before the meal, between courses, nor after the meal.

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