Sultaður rauðlaukur – lauksulta
Góð lauksulta getur lyft hamborgara upp í efstu hæðir. Lauksulta passar vel með ýmsum kjötréttum, með ostum og örugglega mörgu fleiru (sjá neðst). Stulli vinur minn gerir þá bestu lauksultu sem ég hef smakkað. Árlega snæði ég væna hreindýraborgara hjá honum með góðum skammti af lauksultunni fínu.
Sultaður rauðlaukur – lauksulta
4 rauðlaukar
5 sneiðar beikon
2-3 msk smjör
2 msk púðursykur
2 msk balsamik edik eða rauðvínsedik.
Skerið rauðlaukinn í tvennt og síðan í sneiðar.
Steikið beikonið á pönnu þangað til það verður dökk brúnt. Takið beikonið af, bætið smjöri á pönnuna og loks lauknum og steikið hann í nokkrar mínútur í smjöri og beikonfitu.
Bætið við púðursykri og balsamik ediki. Saxið beikonið smátt og bætið því við. Sjóðið við vægan hita í um 15 mín. Berið lauksultuna fram heita/volga.

Annars spurði ég á netinu með hverju lauksulta passaði vel:
Pickled onions can add a burst of tangy and savory flavor to a variety of dishes. Here are some ways you can use pickled onions:
Salads: Toss pickled onions into green salads, pasta salads, or grain salads for an extra layer of flavor and crunch.
Burgers and Sandwiches: Top your burgers, sandwiches, or wraps with pickled onions to add a zesty kick. They work well with both meat and vegetarian options.
Tacos and Burritos: Add pickled onions as a topping for tacos, burritos, or any Mexican-inspired dish. They complement the flavors of beans, meats, and salsas.
Hot Dogs: Upgrade your hot dogs by adding pickled onions along with other toppings like mustard and relish.
Cheese and Charcuterie Boards: Serve pickled onions alongside cheese and cured meats on a charcuterie board. They provide a tangy contrast to rich cheeses and fatty meats.
Grilled Meats: Pair pickled onions with grilled meats, such as steak or chicken. The acidity helps cut through the richness of the meat.
Fish Tacos: Enhance the flavor of fish tacos with pickled onions. The acidity can balance the richness of the fish.
Dips: Mix chopped pickled onions into sour cream or Greek yogurt to create a flavorful dip for chips or veggies.
Barbecue: Serve pickled onions as a side with barbecue dishes. They add a refreshing element to the smoky and savory flavors of grilled meats.
Noodles and Rice Bowls: Incorporate pickled onions into noodle dishes or rice bowls for added flavor and texture.
Wraps and Roll-Ups: Include pickled onions in wraps or roll-ups for an extra burst of flavor.
Pizza: Garnish your pizza with pickled onions for a tangy twist. They can complement a variety of pizza toppings.
Feel free to get creative and experiment with different combinations to find your favorite ways to enjoy pickled onions!